We’re here for you and can schedule an appointment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Patient Information
At times the practice is very busy and the doctors are fully booked and you require a call back from your doctor, we will take the message and the doctor will call you back at his first available time.
If it is an emergency, please contact 000 directly.
Surgery Patients can call after hours between 6pm to 11 pm to consult to doctor at 0499835336 on weekdays
If you require an after-hours GP, please contact CALMS on 1300 422 567
An appointment for a standard consultation will be made with your preferred doctor or the next available doctor, depending on your preference.
Extended consultations are available on request. If you anticipate that your consultation will be long, please advise the receptionist when making the appointment.
Our appointments are classified and invoiced as follows:
- Minor Service (Level A)
A brief service for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited examination and management. - Specific Service (Level B)
A service which requires of the General Practitioner a selective history and examination of the patient, to assess and manage the problem. - Extended Service (Level C)
A service distinguished by more complex tasks required of the general practitioner when confronted with several alternative diagnoses which require a detailed history, multiple system examination, possible investigations and management. - Comprehensive Service (Level D)
A service that requires of the general practitioner a complex intellectual process, involving exhaustive history, multiple system examination and the possible arrangement and evaluation of complex investigations in consideration of multiple alternative diagnoses.
Please note, if you have an appointment on Saturday or Sunday, the building is secured.
There may be a cancellation fee if we do not receive notice of your cancellation.
We need 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel an appointment prior to midday or minimum of two hours notice for afternoon appointments.
If we receive late notice of your cancellation the fee may also apply. This enables us to reschedule the day for other patients.
A fee may also apply if you miss your appointment without any cancellation notice.
This practice acknowledges that patient complaints are an important source of customer feedback.
Under the Health Services Act 1987 people with complaints should try to resolve them directly with the health service provider.
If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved then complaint can be directed to the Health Services Commissioner for action by calling 02 6205 2222
If you have an emergency please telephone 000 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.
Waramanga Medical Centre is a private billing practice, so fees are at the discretion of your treating doctor.
Our standard fee for a consultation is $93.00, but may vary depending on the length of your consultation.
Please contact us if you wish to discuss the fee for your appointment.
We can arrange your medicare claim for you.
Medical certificates are available and can be requested at the time of consultation with your doctor. If you require a special consideration certificate, please bring the necessary paperwork to your consultation.
We comply with Australian Government Legislation, ensuring that the privacy of our patients is maintained.
A copy of our privacy policy is available at reception.
Further information is available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992
Our practice is committed to preventative care and we may issue you with reminder notices or practice information from time to time.
Please advise the staff if you do not wish to participate in this program.